Why You Need a Writing Mentor: 10 Benefits That Can Transform Your Career
In any profession an experienced professional may teach a lot and help in moving forward to achieve success. Successful stars and players would only exist with their coaches. The same goes for writers. That’s why you need a writing mentor. Mentors, coaches, and managers act as guides.
They tell you what to do, what not to do, and how to move forward. If you’ve ever wondered why you need a writing mentor, you’re in a great headspace.
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Why You Need a Writing Mentor: Definition
Exactly this is why you need a writing mentor. Mentors guide writers because they’ve been there before and experienced the claustrophobia of being stuck at a certain career level, but because they’ve found a way out.
Mentors understand what you are going through.
I need an idea
I need to write a book
Marketing is important
Reaching an audience is essential
You can benefit greatly if you’re willing to learn from someone further down your career path. Let’s talk about some of these benefits. The list continues on a page as follows.
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Benefits of Having a Writing Mentor
When you realize the many benefits of partnering with an expert in your field, it’s easy to see why you need a writing mentor at any stage of your writing process.
1. Writing Mentors Push You
Mentors and coaches are very helpful as they often know the mentee’s limitations better than they do. Working with mentors will help you cover more in less time.
2. Helps develop good habits
Developing good writing habits, and maintaining them, can be difficult if you’re struggling in this area; welcome to the rest of us! But why do you need a writing mentor? They help you stay on course.
3. Illuminate Your Blind Spots
Mentors can see areas you may need to be made aware of. Whether you need to add realism to your characters or write a memoir with a strong voice, your mentor will guide you.
4. Refining Your Voice
Speaking of your voice, a mentor will look at your unique writing voice from an outsider’s perspective and teach you how to capitalize on it.
5. Share Tips You Can’t Find Elsewhere
There are so many tips that relate directly to you and your needs. Why you need a writing mentor often depends on your coaching and tips.
6. Recognize Your Skills and Areas of Growth
Mentors who have been in your shoes often are a great way to identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Trust them and take their advice to heart when they praise your writing and habits!
7. Know when you need a break
My writing mentor, in advance, told me to take a break. When a mentor encourages you to take a day or two off, it can work wonders.
8. Provide Advice Tailored to Your Needs
Assess your skills and provide feedback tailored to you and your goals. What works for the author may not work for you, and vice versa. A writing mentor knows what advice to give you and why.
9. Long Term Outlook
As they establish their careers, they see twists and turns you may not see because you are just starting. Listen to their advice when they say a job change may not be the best. They probably know more than you.
10. Stay humble
And, of course, if you don’t stay humble, why do you need a writing mentor? There’s nothing like achieving monumental goals or beating the bestseller list and hearing your mentor point out areas for improvement. This is a very healthy way to celebrate success and stay humble.
If you want to join a successful writers build, a private Facebook group, or hire a mentor for specific one-on-one support, how can you find the right person for you? A quick internet search will reveal many options.
Writing Groups Many writing groups with mentoring offer probationary periods. Depending on the genre you’re writing in, how you want to publish, or your specific needs, you can always reach out to the group to try it.
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Frequently Asked Question
Can I find a mentor online?
The answer depends on the industry’s most popular social media platform. However, one platform that is likely to help you find mentors online is whatsapp, LinkedIn, Facebook (especially whatsapp and Facebook Groups).
What is the role of a writing mentor?
The Writing Mentor does not grade essays. Rather, they comment on the invention work, review his second draft of the multimodal project that the student wrote in the course, and provide additional support to the student throughout the writing process.
Should I Trust Mentors?
Trust is the glue that binds relationships and organizations, and trust is one of the most important factors in a mentor/mentee relationship. A successful mentor-mentee relationship requires a high level of trust on both sides.
1:1 coaching
If you need more 1:1 coaching, we recommend taking a session on writerstutor.com to include coaching. This coaching offers:
What you need to build your brand
Help expand your reach
Tips to increase your income
Our self-publishing coaches will help you grow your business and serve as your starting point best-selling book.
Train under a successful author.
This method may be unconventional, but it’s a great way to ask a well-known author for mentorship. The writer often offers services on her website, including coaching and mentoring for new writers.
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Now you know why you need a writing mentor…What’s next?
Reaching out to mentors can be intimidating, but rest assured they are where you are. Established authors want to help new authors succeed. They will support you.
Dare I shake your hand? Be respectful, act boldly, and wait for a reply.
Remember that anything worth trying is worth failing at first. Finding the right mentor for you may take a few tries, but it will be worth it.
Looking for a writing mentor? Reach us at writerstutor.com or call us at +91 7528874047