Book Distribution
Book Distribution
How do I publish a book online? This question is easily answered in the Kalpvriksh for publishing books on Indian and international platforms. We distribute your books around the world and provide you with the largest platform to make 100% profit on all sales.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What does book distribution cost?
Typically, distributors charge a fee as a percentage of net sales. Booksellers, chains, and internet booksellers pay the distributor based on net sales. The actual fees range widely from 10% to 26% or more; typically, the more the publisher’s revenues, the smaller the percentage fee.
How do your distributors of books operate?
Book distributors promote and sell titles directly to retailers, bookstores, and libraries through catalogues and sales representatives. They are responsible for keeping your relationship with the bookstores and handling your marketing needs.
What three categories of distributors exist?
These Three Distribution Methods:
Broad Distribution: A maximum number of outlets. To reach as many people as possible in the market, extensive Distribution aims to reach.
Selective Distribution: The use of particular outlets in particular places.
Exclusive Distribution: A small number of stores.